@force10windsurf posted some photos of a reel with slip ring he integrated into a carrying case. Seems to work pretty well for him.
Slip rings are pretty easy to find (adafruit and ebay) but a suitable reel to convert is a bit harder to find. Cable and hose reels are usually good candidates. Where did you find the reel in the photo?
I’ve managed to wangle a sample slip ring from a supplier who I’ve dealt with in the past, They are somewhat better than the Adafruit products:
Dedicated 100M Ethernet slip ring
RJ45 connectors
Up to 250 rpm without loss
Splash proof to IP51
They won’t sell individual units but I f there are enough people interested, I could set up a bulk purchase (10+) and I should be able to get the price well below $100ea.
I’ve been wondering about cable reels so thanks for those links, I’ll be taking a closer look at those Markertec products.
I run three each of the six slip rings in parallel, three for each wire of the OROV twisted pair, so if one fails there are still two to maintain the connection. I would not recommend the Adafruit slip ring for the BR tether.
Any make and model number for the slip rings you have found to be reliable? A 6 ring one should be fine for my needs since I couldn’t get all 8 wires through the penetrator anyways (seacon wire internal insulation is somewhat thick.
Our first attempt on making a tether reel with slip ring. The maker of the slip ring is the same as the one used by Adafruit, but we had them build them to IP65 rating.
The reel is a garden hose reel found on Amazon.es. Not the best quality in the world, but light and a bit higher, and on wheels.
The handle will also be carbon fiber. The small box on the side will be the slip ring, and a connector. I will only have one wire going to a small box next to the computer. The axel will be spinning in stainless steel ball bearings.