Hello everyone,
I have a rather Linux-related problem:
I’d like to use a BlueView P900E-20 Sonar with the BlueROV2 (advanced electronics). It communicates with a standart ethernet connection. So I attached a USB-to-ethernet adapter to the RPi onboard and plugged it in - so far so good. The question is:
How can I configure the RPi to “share” its second ethernet connection through the tether?
I already tried to bridge eth0 and eth1 by editing the file /etc/network/interfaces. I got that going, could connect to the BlueView and recieve data, BUT I couldn’t get the data from the RPi anymore. I could only connect to the RPi OR to the BlueView. Did I just mess up with the IPs while bridging?
Does anyone have another idea of getting connection to the BlueView? I also tried to directly connect through the free twisted pairs, but the tether seems to be too long for a stable connection (that’s why there is the Fathom-X board I guess…). Also I thought about installing a simple ethernet hub inside the BlueRov, attaching the RPi and the BlueView to that one. But it will not be easy to get it inside the electronics-cylinder when using it for real.
Any suggestions for the ethernet-“sharing” in linux? Or other ideas?
Thanks and greetings,