Software Beta Test Release

Thanks for you test, please take a look here and check if its fixed:

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Where is QGC inspector tab ??


I’m using servo3, which is channel 11.

It should change between 1100, 1500, and 1900 as you hold down the buttons.

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In Windgets/Mavlink inspector/servo11_raw:
+/- 40000

That is it, you probably need to change SERIAL0_PROTOCOL to “mavlink2” for the channels above 8 to show properly there.

@patrickelectric Yes that fixed the output. Appears working for Ping360. Did crash 3x for Ping1D before functioning. Have updated gui.logs

Where i can change SERIAL0_PROTOCOL to “mavlink2” ?? I use QGC 3.5.2

Hi Jean,

I believe that @williangalvani forgot to say that this is a parameter configuration:


Yes, now i can read in Windgets / Mavlink inspector / servo11_raw:
1100 / 1500 / 1900

I think gripper is blocked closed. A solution pour l’ouvrir ??

@JeanBenoit is the joystick assignment is still set properly for the gripper?

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Yes, i test AUX3 with lights and inclinaison camera, it’s work. Perhaps a gripper problem.
Thanks for your help

@williangalvani, @patrickelectric
Do you want me to move the rest of my questions in the gripper part of the forum ??

After the updates (Companion 0.0.19, QGC, Ping1D Firm & Ping Viewer) I noticed compass bearing was 180 off, and now having a Nightmare of a time attempting to re-calibrate, after I spin it for 15mins to get the green bar to finally raise, it reports a Mag[0] error and says orientation incorrect. Note for 6 months of running I have never had a mag/compass issue.
Additional note, the ROV dry is running tremendously hotter then prior, I had previously never encountered over 133F while dry powered even after ~1hr, after all stated updates, the unit can now hit 143F within 15mins.

It dos look like the issue is with the gripper itself.

Yes, please!

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Did you change the ArduSub firmware? The temperature issue is curious, and may be a factor here.

Yes running the 4.0 beta

Just a quick message to say that we have been running the latest Beta companion and ArduSub 4.0 on a Heavy config - so far no problems at all and the ability to roll / tilt to arbitrary attitudes and hold these in depth hold mode has been truly awesome.
It takes a little getting used to as you fly like sat in the ‘cockpit’ but once you get your head in that space, it becomes quite easy. For simplicity for some users, I wonder if it would be possible to maintain the controls so that when you push stick forward, the ROV moves forward in plan only despite the attitude it is in (same for back, left / right and up/down) - I guess this will be OK for minor roll / tilt, but if fully titled nose down or further, the question becomes - what is forward?
Keep up the great work!


Hi @mattcmgb,

Thank you for the feedback!
You are on point! at more extreme attitudes, controlling the vehicle in earth frame can be very confusing, specially when looking through the camera.

That said, we agree that both options should be possible, and we’ll have that in mind as we work on improving the joystick experience in the future.

That’s great to hear - look forward to seeing how things progress in this regard.

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