Running BlueOS on a Compute Module 4

Hi All,

I’m considering designing and building a “Navigator Mini” board for the Raspberry Pi CM4, It would have basically all the same sensors and connectors (Depending on space) as a Navigator but in a much smaller form-factor. The idea comes from my work giving me a bunch of old dead sub-sea cameras and wanting to repurpose the housings, unfortunately they’re all just too small to fit a full-size RPi4 and a Navigator but would fit a CM4.

So I’m just wondering what exactly would be required on the breakout board for the CM4, besides the current hardware on the Navigator? (USB, PCIe, Camera connectors, e.g.) I’d have a SD slot for storage and also have a connector for Ethernet to be able to use IP camera’s. Is there anything else I’d absolutely need for BlueOS to function correctly?