Research on ROV visual autonomous obstacle avoidance navigation based on deep learning

    My current research direction is "ROV visual navigation research based on deep learning"
My computer is running Windows 11 and has QGC software installed. My ROV can now communicate with QGC normally (video is displayed normally on QGC), and I have tuned the deep learning network (yolov8-seg).I plan to combine the "depth estimation (midas)" and "strength segmentation (yolov8-seg)" networks to realize the autonomous perception of the underwater environment by ROV.
    I plan to replace the monocular camera in the ROV with an OAK-D-lite binocular camera, and use this modified ROV to achieve visual obstacle avoidance and autonomous navigation.
   The challenges now are: 1. How to use Python scripts on your own computer to capture the video stream of QGC; 2. How to send control instructions to ROV through the MavLink protocol through a deep learning network (mainly controlling the linear speed and yaw angle of the ROV).

I would be grateful for any help you can provide.

1 Like

Hi @akang-211 , welcome to the forums!
QGC is only one option for a ground control station, Cockpit has been the focus of the Blue Robotics software team.
Your goal is very cool, and has been achieved with varying types of hardware before - it is quite challenging!

The Oak-D camera already has a BlueOS extension that allows you to stream the depth images - this is supported by Cockpit, but likely not QGC. You should be able to record / process this stream via python as well. I’ve designed a 3D printable mounting bracket for the camera as well, however it may not fit in a standard BlueROV2 enclosure - I used it in an external pod and it also requires a usb-c cable with 90 degree end. It lets you mount the standard USB low-light camera alongside it, albeit without tilt control…
4- WTE Oak Camera Flange Mount.step (95.4 KB)

I don’t have a lot of experience with deep-learning video processing, but you should be able to receive the UDP or RTSP stream with python / gstreamer / openCV.
You can issue control commands to the ROV via pymavlink - there are many forum threads discussing this here.

1 Like
Compute depth maps for images in the input folder or from QGC video stream.
import os
import torch
import cv2
import argparse
import time

import numpy as np
from midas.model_loader import default_models, load_model

first_execution = True

def process(device, model, model_type, image, input_size, target_size, optimize, use_camera):
    global first_execution

    if "openvino" in model_type:
        if first_execution or not use_camera:
            print(f"    Input resized to {input_size[0]}x{input_size[1]} before entering the encoder")
            first_execution = False

        sample = [np.reshape(image, (1, 3, *input_size))]
        prediction = model(sample)[model.output(0)][0]
        prediction = cv2.resize(prediction, dsize=target_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
        sample = torch.from_numpy(image).to(device).unsqueeze(0)

        if optimize and device == torch.device("cuda"):
            if first_execution:
                print("  Optimization to half-floats activated. Use with caution, because models like Swin require\n"
                      "  float precision to work properly and may yield non-finite depth values to some extent for\n"
                      "  half-floats.")
            sample =
            sample = sample.half()

        if first_execution or not use_camera:
            height, width = sample.shape[2:]
            print(f"    Input resized to {width}x{height} before entering the encoder")
            first_execution = False

        prediction = model.forward(sample)
        prediction = (

    return prediction

def create_side_by_side(image, depth, grayscale):
    Combine RGB image and depth map side-by-side for visualization.
    depth_min = depth.min()
    depth_max = depth.max()
    normalized_depth = 255 * (depth - depth_min) / (depth_max - depth_min)
    normalized_depth *= 3

    right_side = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(normalized_depth, 2), 3, axis=2) / 3
    if not grayscale:
        right_side = cv2.applyColorMap(np.uint8(right_side), cv2.COLORMAP_INFERNO)

    if image is None:
        return right_side
        return np.concatenate((image, right_side), axis=1)

def run_qgc_stream(output_path, model_path, model_type="dpt_swin2_tiny_256", optimize=False, side=False, height=None,
                   square=False, grayscale=False, stream_url="udp://"):
    Process video stream from QGC (QGroundControl) for depth estimation.

        output_path (str): Directory to save output images.
        model_path (str): Path to model weights.
        model_type (str): Model type.
        optimize (bool): Optimize model for half-precision floats on CUDA?
        side (bool): Show side-by-side RGB and depth map in output images?
        height (int): Preferred image height for inference.
        square (bool): Resize input to square?
        grayscale (bool): Use grayscale colormap?
        stream_url (str): URL of the QGC video stream.

    # Select device
    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    print("Device: %s" % device)

    model, transform, net_w, net_h = load_model(device, model_path, model_type, optimize, height, square)

    # Create output directory
    if output_path is not None:
        os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)

    print("Start processing video stream from QGC")

    with torch.no_grad():
        fps = 1
        video = cv2.VideoCapture(stream_url)  # Connect to QGC video stream
        if not video.isOpened():
            print("Failed to open video stream.")
        time_start = time.time()

        frame_index = 0

        # Read the first frame to determine resolution
        ret, frame =
        if not ret:
            raise ValueError("Failed to read video frame. Check your QGC video stream URL.")

        # Get frame dimensions
        height, width = frame.shape[:2]

        # Initialize video writer
        if output_path is not None:
            video_filename = os.path.join(output_path, f"output_{model_type}.avi")
            fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
            video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(video_filename, fourcc, 20.0, (width, height))

        while True:
            ret, frame =
            if not ret:

            original_image_rgb = np.flip(frame, 2)  # Convert BGR to RGB
            image = transform({"image": original_image_rgb / 255})["image"]
            prediction = process(device, model, model_type, image, (net_w, net_h),
                                 original_image_rgb.shape[1::-1], optimize, True)

            # Generate side-by-side visualization
            original_image_bgr = np.flip(original_image_rgb, 2) if side else None
            content = create_side_by_side(original_image_bgr, prediction, grayscale)
            cv2.imshow('QGC Depth Estimation - Press ESC to close', content / 255)

            # Write video output
            if output_path is not None:
                frame_to_write = (np.clip(content, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
                if frame_to_write.shape[1::-1] != (width, height):  # Resize frame if needed
                    frame_to_write = cv2.resize(frame_to_write, (width, height))

            # Update FPS
            alpha = 0.1
            if time.time() - time_start > 0:
                fps = (1 - alpha) * fps + alpha * 1 / (time.time() - time_start)
                time_start = time.time()
            print(f"\rFPS: {round(fps, 2)}", end="")

            # Check for ESC key
            if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27 or cv2.getWindowProperty(
                    'QGC Depth Estimation - Press ESC to close', cv2.WND_PROP_VISIBLE) < 1:

            frame_index += 1

        # Release resources
        if output_path is not None:


if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_path',
                        help='Directory to save output images.')

    parser.add_argument('-m', '--model_weights',
                        help='Path to trained model weights.')

    parser.add_argument('-t', '--model_type',
                        help='Model type: dpt_beit_large_512, dpt_swin2_large_384, etc.')

    parser.add_argument('--optimize', dest='optimize', action='store_true', help='Optimize model for half-precision.')

    parser.add_argument('--height', type=int, default=None,
                        help='Preferred image height for inference.')
    parser.add_argument('--square', action='store_true', help='Resize input to square.')
    parser.add_argument('--grayscale', action='store_true', help='Use grayscale colormap.')
    parser.add_argument('--stream_url', type=str, default="udp://",
                        help='QGC video stream URL (e.g., udp://')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.model_weights is None:
        args.model_weights = default_models[args.model_type]

    torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

    # Run depth estimation
    run_qgc_stream(args.output_path, args.model_weights, args.model_type, args.optimize,
                   args.height, args.square, args.grayscale, args.stream_url)

The above is the code I used to get the QGC video stream using a python script (using midas for depth estimation), but it always reports the following error, which puzzles me. Is it because UDP:5600 is occupied by the QGC port that the video stream cannot be captured? If so, how can I capture the video stream correctly?

Hi @akang-211 -
I believe you’re correct - the stream is already opened by QGC so cannot be opened again by your python script?

Uploading: image.png…

I followed the advice on pymvlink, but why can’t I still receive the video stream?

Compute depth maps for images in the input folder or from QGC video stream.
import os
import torch
import cv2
import argparse
import time

import numpy as np
from midas.model_loader import default_models, load_model

first_execution = True

def process(device, model, model_type, image, input_size, target_size, optimize, use_camera):
    global first_execution

    if "openvino" in model_type:
        if first_execution or not use_camera:
            print(f"    Input resized to {input_size[0]}x{input_size[1]} before entering the encoder")
            first_execution = False

        sample = [np.reshape(image, (1, 3, *input_size))]
        prediction = model(sample)[model.output(0)][0]
        prediction = cv2.resize(prediction, dsize=target_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
        sample = torch.from_numpy(image).to(device).unsqueeze(0)

        if optimize and device == torch.device("cuda"):
            if first_execution:
                print("  Optimization to half-floats activated. Use with caution, because models like Swin require\n"
                      "  float precision to work properly and may yield non-finite depth values to some extent for\n"
                      "  half-floats.")
            sample =
            sample = sample.half()

        if first_execution or not use_camera:
            height, width = sample.shape[2:]
            print(f"    Input resized to {width}x{height} before entering the encoder")
            first_execution = False

        prediction = model.forward(sample)
        prediction = (

    return prediction

def create_side_by_side(image, depth, grayscale):
    Combine RGB image and depth map side-by-side for visualization.
    depth_min = depth.min()
    depth_max = depth.max()
    normalized_depth = 255 * (depth - depth_min) / (depth_max - depth_min)
    normalized_depth *= 3

    right_side = np.repeat(np.expand_dims(normalized_depth, 2), 3, axis=2) / 3
    if not grayscale:
        right_side = cv2.applyColorMap(np.uint8(right_side), cv2.COLORMAP_INFERNO)

    if image is None:
        return right_side
        return np.concatenate((image, right_side), axis=1)

def run_qgc_stream(output_path, model_path, model_type="dpt_swin2_tiny_256", optimize=False, side=False, height=None,
                   square=False, grayscale=False, stream_url="udp://"):
    Process video stream from QGC (QGroundControl) for depth estimation.

        output_path (str): Directory to save output images.
        model_path (str): Path to model weights.
        model_type (str): Model type.
        optimize (bool): Optimize model for half-precision floats on CUDA?
        side (bool): Show side-by-side RGB and depth map in output images?
        height (int): Preferred image height for inference.
        square (bool): Resize input to square?
        grayscale (bool): Use grayscale colormap?
        stream_url (str): URL of the QGC video stream.

    # Select device
    device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
    print("Device: %s" % device)

    model, transform, net_w, net_h = load_model(device, model_path, model_type, optimize, height, square)

    # Create output directory
    if output_path is not None:
        os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True)

    print("Start processing video stream from QGC")

    with torch.no_grad():
        fps = 1
        video = cv2.VideoCapture(stream_url)  # Connect to QGC video stream
        if not video.isOpened():
            print("Failed to open video stream.")
        time_start = time.time()

        frame_index = 0

        # Read the first frame to determine resolution
        ret, frame =
        if not ret:
            raise ValueError("Failed to read video frame. Check your QGC video stream URL.")

        # Get frame dimensions
        height, width = frame.shape[:2]

        # Initialize video writer
        if output_path is not None:
            video_filename = os.path.join(output_path, f"output_{model_type}.avi")
            fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID')
            video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(video_filename, fourcc, 20.0, (width, height))

        while True:
            ret, frame =
            if not ret:

            original_image_rgb = np.flip(frame, 2)  # Convert BGR to RGB
            image = transform({"image": original_image_rgb / 255})["image"]
            prediction = process(device, model, model_type, image, (net_w, net_h),
                                 original_image_rgb.shape[1::-1], optimize, True)

            # Generate side-by-side visualization
            original_image_bgr = np.flip(original_image_rgb, 2) if side else None
            content = create_side_by_side(original_image_bgr, prediction, grayscale)
            cv2.imshow('QGC Depth Estimation - Press ESC to close', content / 255)

            # Write video output
            if output_path is not None:
                frame_to_write = (np.clip(content, 0, 1) * 255).astype(np.uint8)
                if frame_to_write.shape[1::-1] != (width, height):  # Resize frame if needed
                    frame_to_write = cv2.resize(frame_to_write, (width, height))

            # Update FPS
            alpha = 0.1
            if time.time() - time_start > 0:
                fps = (1 - alpha) * fps + alpha * 1 / (time.time() - time_start)
                time_start = time.time()
            print(f"\rFPS: {round(fps, 2)}", end="")

            # Check for ESC key
            if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27 or cv2.getWindowProperty(
                    'QGC Depth Estimation - Press ESC to close', cv2.WND_PROP_VISIBLE) < 1:

            frame_index += 1

        # Release resources
        if output_path is not None:


if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output_path',
                        help='Directory to save output images.')

    parser.add_argument('-m', '--model_weights',
                        help='Path to trained model weights.')

    parser.add_argument('-t', '--model_type',
                        help='Model type: dpt_beit_large_512, dpt_swin2_large_384, etc.')

    parser.add_argument('--optimize', dest='optimize', action='store_true', help='Optimize model for half-precision.')

    parser.add_argument('--height', type=int, default=None,
                        help='Preferred image height for inference.')
    parser.add_argument('--square', action='store_true', help='Resize input to square.')
    parser.add_argument('--grayscale', action='store_true', help='Use grayscale colormap.')
    parser.add_argument('--stream_url', type=str, default="udp://",
                        help='QGC video stream URL (e.g., udp://')

    args = parser.parse_args()
    if args.model_weights is None:
        args.model_weights = default_models[args.model_type]

    torch.backends.cudnn.enabled = True
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

    # Run depth estimation
    run_qgc_stream(args.output_path, args.model_weights, args.model_type, args.optimize,
                   args.height, args.square, args.grayscale, args.stream_url)

Hi @akang-211 -
It seems you found assistance on our github for documentation - please confine your discussion to the forums for problems like this in the future!
Linking the discussion for community benefit.

Hello, I have changed to Blue OS1.3.1 system, and connected the OAK-d-lite camera to the Raspberry Pi 3B. How can I get the video stream on the cokpit?

Hi @akang-211 -
Simply install the Oak-d extension from the Extension Manager. I believe you’ll then be able to launch Cockpit, and select the video stream on video widget configuration!

I clicked on the extension store, but no extensions appeared.My network connection is also good

Hi @akang-211
Is BlueOS connected to a WiFi network? Your screenshot crops this out. What version of BlueOS are you using? Was it installed on a Raspberry Pi via the normal process?

If you are connected to WiFi (via the icon in the upper right) and still can’t access the extensions and BlueOS versions, try a different hotspot /internet source like your phone, as you may have a blacklisted IP address or other firewall interfering.

1 Like

I still can’t install it.

Hi @akang-211 -
Can you reach the internet via the terminal, confirmed with a ping of
Your screenshots keep cropping out useful elements of the BlueOS interface when trying to determine the state of your setup!

How did you install BlueOS? It looks to be running on a Pi 3B?

Yes, I accessed it through the terminal of the browser. And my ROV is in the same network as my computer. It seems that all the extensions in the extension store cannot be installed.

Hi @akang-211 -
I suspect you’re having firewall issues with your connection to the internet - those error messages indicate that no autopilot process is running, potentially because you haven’t been able to connect the system successfully to download the required firmware and parameter files.

Can you please download and share the BlueOS system logs from the gear icon in the lower left of BlueOS? We can check the “Kracken” logs to see what is preventing you from connecting with this tool. (1.2 MB)