QGroundControl version

Hi ,sorry to disturb you
my QGC version is 3.1.3,my ardusub fireware is V3.5rc.when I connect my pixhawk ,there has something wrong like this

and sensor calibration,i dont find pressure calibration。
the other version of QGC is master download from github,the version seems OK,but the vedio source is computer itsself rather from raspberry pi。

Hi, please get an updated version of QGC from here:


The video source is configured near the bottom of the General tab in the Application Settings page. Make sure that video source says UDP, and port says 5600.


OK.The new version seems good ,but the pressure calibration shows calibration failed。my friend tells me that there has still a bug about it, is it true

Ok, pressure calibration only works on ArduSub 3.5 and recent QGC, which you have. You can confirm your ArduSub version by looking at the Summary tab of the Vehicle Settings page. The ArduSub version should be listed under the Frame section. You can confirm your QGC version by looking at the application window title bar.

Other than that, there are three things that can will cause the vehicle to reply with a failure:

  • The vehicle is armed
  • The pressure sensor is malfunctioning
  • The pressure sensor is currently reading greater than 110,000 Pascal (to prevent zeroing while at depth)

I will test this myself shortly to make sure it is still working.


I’ve confirmed the pressure calibration is working. Let me know if you are still having issues.