Qgroundcontrol on Android tablet

Hey. I have instaled Qgroundcontrol on my android tablet (Lenovo P11 pro). I have an USB-C hub with ethernet connection. The problem is, i can`t connet my bluerov to the tablet. If i connect my tablet to the router for testing, i have internet. Is there any software bug or local problem with the settings on my tablet?

I have now the same problem with the same message Connecting Bluerov2 through Android and Qground

My network config is Static IP: IP-adress subnet mask DNS: Gateway-adress:

Hi @Fjosen,

I asked about this internally, and it was suggested that Android may be deciding something like “This network is not working, so fall back routing all traffic to 4G instead”. You may wish to try turning off 4G if that’s possible.

Also be aware that QGroundControl on Android is not actively supported for use with ArduSub, so you may run into other issues.

Is this app on updating or? It will be nice to use tablet or phone for bluerov. My computer is not watertight. Here in Norway we have 300+ days with rain😭
I have one Raspberry Pi 4 in spare, can i use this as an topside computer (running QGC) ?

I’m not sure what you mean by this.

We agree, and are working to develop a solution that’s device independent, which should go into beta at the start of next year.

In the meantime it’s possible QGC could work, it’s just not something we are actively working on to make sure it works consistently across mobile devices and tablets, so there might be issues / sub-par performance.

You could also look into ruggedised Control Station Computer options, and/or third party Control Station Software alternatives :slight_smile:

It may be possible, but I don’t believe there’s an installable download available - you would probably need to compile QGC yourself. There may also be issues with insufficient RAM and/or processing power.

Is there any progress on this system for android tab/phone?

The “system” is a new browser-based control software, and it’s progressing well but is still missing some important features that are required before we officially “release” it. If it’s of interest, you can try out the latest state via the “Cockpit” extension that’s installable in recent BlueOS 1.1 beta versions, but be aware that it’s still in initial development, and does not yet have any public documentation.

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