Hi all,
I am trying to control Ardusub via a python script running on the companion computer. Its seems the popular approach for this is to use pyMavlink or mavlink2rest.
I have managed to get both pyMavlink and mavlink2rest to be able to arm and disarm the vehicle, however I am interested in using MAVsdk-python for its higher level of abstraction from building mavlink messages.
Setting up a UDP endpoint server from BlueOS I am able to connect to it via pyMavlink with ‘master = mavutil.mavlink_connection(‘udpout:’)’
However when I try a similar connection with MAVsdk, the program hangs and doesn’t connect. 'await drone.connect(system_address=“udp://:9000”) ’
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this connection going or any examples of mavsdk being used with ardusub?