Provide acrylic enclosures and flat / dome ends, also of larger diameter?

Would it be possible for you to offer also acrylic enclosures and ends of larger diameter, even if these end up with lower depth ratings?

Thanks for amazing products. Your enclosures are super nice and useful for many different uses at sea, also in my case applications that are not robotics related :slight_smile: .

For now, the larger diameter enclosures are only available in aluminium if I understand correctly. In my company we use your enclosures at the surface of the ocean only (i.e. we do not really need a pressure rating more than a few meters or tens of meters, just to be on the safe side for water tightness :slight_smile: ), and we need RF communications, hence we need the acrylic enclosures. For us it would be very convenient to be able to buy acrylic enclosures of large diameter from you (typically all the diameters you offer for the aluminium enclosure), even if this means a lower depth rating.

Hi @rapiduser12, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

That is true for our Cylindrical Locking Series of enclosures, because the tolerance requirements for the precision-machined ends are difficult to achieve for large acrylic tubes.

We do have 6" and 8" diameter acrylic enclosures in our Cylindrical Non-Locking Series though, including with (flat) acrylic end-cap options :slight_smile:

There are some larger dome sizes in the works, but I’m not certain when they’ll be released or whether they’ll be compatible with the non-locking enclosures - our sales email ( is the best point of contact for this kind of information :slight_smile:

Hi @rapiduser12 -
One potential work around for you is to use the locking aluminum enclosures, with the clear acrylic 6" or 8" endcaps on one or both ends! The enclosure configurator was recently updated updated recently to make this possible as well.

Just out of curiosity, would our water-tight box with a clear window meet your needs, or are they overkill? Maybe a plastic, lower depth rated version? Typically I’d recommend nema 4X + enclosures from for situations like yours.