Protecting Dome Acrylic

Hi @diveexplorer,

That’s not something we sell, and I’m not aware of targeted solutions for it. When we ship our electronics enclosures they come with bubble wrap over the dome, and I’m aware that some community members transport their ROVs in foam-padded cases. You may also be able to use a swimming cap or similar, or perhaps a 3D print.

I’ll raise this internally to see if it’s something we want to look into, but I expect it would need additional interest from the community before we would consider making a set of products for dome protection - I think domes are usually most likely to get scratched while operating too close to sharp objects, rather than in storage / during transport.

It’s perhaps worth noting that a hard plastic cover would involve manufacturing an additional dome, which would presumably be prohibitively expensive, especially without large volumes. Something fabric-based may be more feasible, but could still be challenging to manufacture with higher quality than simpler DIY solutions while selling it at a competitive price.

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