Problem with forward motors move only in one direction

Dear Friends,
i’m try to configure a Simple Rov configuration with 2 motors up and down and 2 motors forward . Up and down motor are ok are bidirectional . The forward motor work only from 1100 to 1900 and not support the reverse min is at 1100 and not a 1500 for support reverse , are there some parameter to check for activate bidirectional motor in forward configuration ?

Hi @virtualrobotix, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

ArduSub currently expects all motion-control motors to be bidirectional, so if your speed controllers don’t support that then they’re likely not compatible with ArduSub - there are no parameters that turn off bidirectionality, so if you need that functionality then you’ll need to modify the ArduSub code and make a custom build that supports your requirements.

If that’s not what you’re saying / asking then please clarify what kind of hardware you’re using, and how you’re expecting/wanting to control it, along with what isn’t working the way you would like.

Mhh that is what i expect but on mission planner i saw different situation . I recheck and i ll did a video and share.
Best Roberto