Ping360 ROS Package

Hey all!

@Stormix and I are working in a ROS Package for the Ping360 sonar, we managed to do so using the python library you provided (brping). We published our work on GitHub Here it is it’s still a WIP (/develop branch). You can check it out and let us know what you think.

However, we were wondering if there is an ETA on the ping-cpp device library, because we would like to create a C++ version of the package.

Best regards,
Henrique Martinez.


Hi @henrique,
I’m very interested with your work on the ping360.
I have one that I will put on a RC boat already on ROS and NAVIO2.
If you need maintainer, I would be glad to help you.

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Also I would like to know why you use the type of topic “Image” for this device ?
We would like to implement it in a slam so I would suggest a custom msg based on laser_scan at low rate.

Hello Thomas!
As I mentioned on Github issue, the initial purpose of the project was to be able to do some image processing on the sonar output images without having to go through the ping viewer.
We are open to adding new features, as long as time allows it :smiley:. I’m personally not familiar with laser_scan msg type but I’ll take a look at it.
Meanwhile, feel free to create a pull request on the project if you want to help.


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Thanks for sharing!

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I am reviving this topic as we are now adapting the previous ROS 1/Python package to ROS 2/C++.

Indeed our BlueROV2 now runs ROS 2 with Navio2 and we want to run some embedded sonar processing.

Just bumping the thread so that interested people get to know about this project, or advertise their own before we reinvent the wheel.


Hi @olivier,

Can you provide more info on what you are doing with BlueROV2 + ROS2? Can you refer me to some documentation/papers?
I am interested in knowing how you set up your system and what you are running.
Right now, I am setting up my BlueROV2 with ROS kinetic to run the ping360 package and save some data in rosbags for post-processing. I will also add a ros package for a xsens imu I added, and one for saving videos from the camera.
With the experience you had so far, do you think it is better to go for ROS 2?


I am mostly using the BlueROV2 for teaching both underwater robotics and ROS2.
We do beacon/vision fusion for localization and also compare model-free and model-based control.

We have switched to ROS2 for the 2020 intake. We have struggled a bit with our setup that relies on Navio2, which is not supported for Ubuntu 20.04 but it was solved.

As far as I know the ROV works well on many versions of Ubuntu / ROS. Most people I know who use it are still on ROS 1. You may consider upgrading though as Kinetic is a rather old distribution.

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