Could I ask @tony-white for any information on the max load that we could expect our Newton Gripper to hold above water? We want to put a crane hook (approx. 2kg) in it’s jaws but we don’t want to overload it. The data sheet only gives a push rod axial rating. Maybe others out there would also be able to offer stories of heavy objects they’ve tasked their gripper to hold.
Hi @GavXYZ -
I’ve used the gripper a moderate amount, but not tested it to failure with weight in air or water. Depending on how you hold the hook, it may work just fine! If the jaws break, you could always source them made from a stronger material, but 2kg doesn’t seem like very much. Rotating the gripper so the jaws open vertically may help? Only one way to find out!
Thanks Tony.
I was thinking more about the shear force and bending moments around the shaft. There’s nothing in the technical details to indicate what the max might be. The shape/dimensions of the hook will also add to the eccentricity.
But you’re right, a previous thread does highlight potential for failure on the jaws also. We’ll probably get some of the claws machined in aluminium and maybe order a a spare gripper.
If there’s anyone else that can advise on the ultimate shear force and bending moment capacities it would be helpful.
We have successfully lifted in water weight of 20kg by gripping and pulling the tether several times.