Heinz here. Been gone for a while but hard at work doing trials and testing of new tools for the ROV2. This one is exceptional
.Looks super pro! Not sure what it is though
Looks Nice - just Attach the „Hook“ to something underwater - move back with the ROV and the hook with the line and a floating something will get Release - or?
We are thinking about something Similar - But there should be a Self unrolling spool in between and the floating Piece Will Go to the Surface - to Gather our underwater Findings
Anyone an idea how cork is doing under high Pressure? As a floating Part for our Ideals?
But we only Had one Test Dive so far - just thoughts so far
Here is a picture of a recovery hook i made a few months ago. After attaching the hook i just back of the rov and the pole will disconnect in from the rov and i am then able to pull out rope from the spool and fly it up to surface and remove the spool.
that’s pretty good. The thought behind my system was to have a vessel connect a large rope about 3/8" rated at 4,000 + pounds then connect to whatever then the ROV would disconnect itself from the clamp and the vessel could retrieve and the ROV would stand back and observe. The floating device is to keep the leader rope away from the ROV while trying to make the connection. That rope and carabiner are rated at 5000 lbs.
I have done something simular to what you are describing and in that case i skipped the spool and had the rope directly attached to the carabin and connected it to the object that i was recovering.
yes that’s what I had planned and have done test in the pool and in salt water at night with a test rid and some other items like a bicycle and the retrieval went great.
Of course with the new manipulator I can remove the jig and just use the manipulator to clamp and release the carabiner.
What if the spool gets Stuck or its Not Long enough? Would the ROV be trapped? Just thinking and telling my concerns
thats why I designed it to release the rov once the carabiner closes. Just drive backward and the rov is free.
As i know from my ROV work…cork i guess works like a normal cup of a similar to Styroform(you know what kind i mean?..disposable cup…they become about 1/3 of the size after going to about 100m or moore;) …just like a big shotglass ;)…but i guess cork will implode less…so the boyancy will decrease …so its not ideal for boyance if thats what you want to use…i would buy Blue Robotics boyancy, then you know what you have
You Mighty be Right i have a GoPro with the Diving case and the „floaty“ on it - a piece or „Form“ in bright orange something to easily find it on top of the water wehen you loose it like While wake Boarding and doing stuff like this - but below 15m or so its useless for flotation - all air in it is Compressed and its Goes down like a Stone
But i will give Cork a try just to See how its doing - this is the researcher piece in myself
Hiw did you attach the Pole to the ROV to release it? And how the Carabiner to the Pole? Just glued together? Welding would be tricky with These Materials - or? Or did you drill Through it and used a small screw?
The Setup Looks nice - just asking how tricky to attach the „hook“ to something - the Snapper piece Needs some Power to Open - or? Just remebering my Climbing Time …
The carabiner is held in place with the attachment. Once you hook the carabiner and drive the ROV backwards then the carabiner releases from the attachment and the ROV and the carabiner autocloses the gate as well. Ive had great success in test trials in the pool and in the salt water canals where I live. I made a test rig and it all works well. You can see it in operation here: - YouTube
Looks Great - we will Keepern your Solution in mind when we work on our Tools i Hope there is no (c) or so on it :-/
Cheera from Austria
ok yea…give mee a feedback how it goes
…but try the trick with the cup…its funne to see how small they get;)…but i think you need something Harder…all we use subsea is Hard material … and once depth teste an Argus Rover mk 2 ROV… specs said 500m… but they mounted the wrong one so it “collapsed”(it bacame smaller;)…it was for 300m. they had to take it back and make a new one;)
Sorry for the late response, but i am offshore with limited acess to the internet.I have used an old fishingrod where i have attached one piece to the carabiner with drilling a 2mm hole and installed a little metallpin and glued it into with a 2-component glue. The otner end is just fitted with tyraps on the frame of the BR2. The idea with using a rod was to have something that i was able to disconnect from and also was able to instsall the hook in several angles.