I used Ardusub firmware v3.4 and connect light to rc9. when i changed the pwm value through joystick,the light will be brighter or dimmer normally.
But when i operated the propellers, the light will be off. once i did not operate the propeller, the light will be on normally.
I also connected the light to Arduino and set pwm value to 1700, when i operate the propeller, there is no effect.
I think when i operate the propeller , the pwm value of rc9 will be affected.
i use PX4-vectored v3.4 downloaded from firmware.ardusubu.com.
motor 1-6 are connected to channel 1-6.
camera servo is connected to channel 8
light is connected to channel 9
If i use arduino to receive pwm value from pixhawk and then control led, it is normal. the pwm value output from aruidno is normal when i operate propeller.
pixhawk is powered by ESC
very strange!
#include <Servo.h>
int buttonPin = 13; //read pixhawk pwm value from ch9
byte servoPin = 9;
Servo servo;
void setup() {
servo.writeMicroseconds(1100); // send “off” signal to Lumen light
I have just confirmed with an oscilloscope that servo Pin 9 is operating as it should in this configuration on ArduSub 3.4, whether or not the motors are armed.
How are you powering the light? Are you sure that that green wire is spliced well?
Why aren’t you using Main servo output 7? If you use that pin, you can see the pwm value on the pin under SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW in the mavlink inspector.
Another note is that we recommend using QGC 3.1 with ArduSub 3.4, you might want to try that.
How are you powering the system right now? If you are using a low voltage battery or a low-current power supply, it’s possible that the voltage is dropping below the usable point for the lights, which is about 8v.