Level horizon issue.& Qground control disconnecting


Could you help me please with the setup.
I have the navigator with raspberry , connected to 4thrusters.

I have 2 issues currently.

  1. With level horizon calibration, I am getting error even after I reinstalled everything and rebooted everything few time. Please see the image below for the error and Rov orientation. I selected roll90

2.I am getting voice notifications regularly that the qground control lose connection.

Hi @elhedody -
Roll 90 is not the correct orientation to select for your vehicle arrangement! This is actually what is normally used in the BlueROV2. Perhaps Pitch 90 is correct? The horizon should appear approximately level before performing a accelerometer level horizon calibration if the correct orientation is selected.

Are you using the latest BlueOS and ArduSub? How frequently do you get a notification? It sounds like you may have an issue with your tether, are both green lights on the FXTI remaining on constantly, without the link light ever going off? Can you ping without any dropped pings?

Hi Tony,

Thank you for correcting the Rov Orientation, this show that can not count on ChatGPT information )))

I have very strange issue related to the Qground disconnecting.

I test the Ping as you mentioned it was timeout frequently and after long time testing I noticed that the ping is stable only when my hand touching the laptop))!

Seems something with the grounding but not sure how to resolve it))

This issue only when the MacBook wire powered. On battery don’t have this issue

Any advice please.?

Hi @elhedody -
please verify with a multimeter that you have a good connection from the vehicle to the FXTI topside, checking the resistance of each wire:

You may want to try to connect directly from the FXTI to your laptop with ethernet, or use a different USB cable or USB to ethernet adapter…

Hi Tony,

I have followed your suggestion and it’s worked.
Could you please check if the ping is ok?

As well I still need to connect the usb for powering the FX board, right? No other solution?

As in the picture I attached the internet cable directly from the FX board to the laptop USB internet adapter. And I connected the usb as well for powering.

Hi @elhedody -
Glad that did the trick! The USB is still necessary for power, yes. I’d recommend sourcing a replacement USB to ethernet adapter, or trying to use a different USB cord to verify that wasn’t the actual root cause!

Hi Tony))

Thank you for you support, I have used now usb hub and the ping work fine but it’s go up to 15-19 ms every few sec. Is it ok?

As well the Qground give notification every few minutes that heartbeat lost, but I see that there are still connection and connection not lost. Is it ok?

Hi @elhedody -
The occasional heartbeat lost warning is an annoyance, but shouldn’t affect anything. If you open BlueOS, turn on Pirate Mode, and navigate to Mavlink Endpoints, you can select an alternative Mavlink Service. The default, Mavlink Router has this issue occur due to still mysterious circumstances.

Switching to MavP2P can eliminate the issue in some cases, but the best fix is to update to the latest BlueOS Beta (from Version Chooser, in pirate mode still), visit the same location, and select Mavlink Server. It is our own solution, rather than the use of an externally developed service and in our experience fixes the issue best.