Led status keep flashing blue

Good morning all,
My NAVIGATOR led status keep flashing blue permanently, thus it cannot connect to the computer I suppose.
I read on the forum that the Rasperry PI stop the launching process. is that correct?
What I did until now.
I change the ethernet cable from NAVIGATOR to computer.
I flash again the SD CARD with a fresh BlueOS Software.
I update Qground control current version 4.4.2
Still same problem, still same problem between computer and navigator.
Can somebody give a little assistance. Thanks already for your help.
Update: I flash another SD card with BalenaEtcher same problem
I installed navigator board on another Rasperry Pi 4 also same with 2 different SD card. Also same result.
No connection to the computer.
I think I will conclude NAVIGATOR board is damage :disappointed:

Hi @Gilles -
Are you able to reach the BlueOS web interface at blueos.local or in your web browser? If you can, please share a screenshot of your Autopilot Firmware page, opened from the left side.

If you can’t load that page, please properly configure your computer’s network connection to use the correct static IP address and subnet mask ( /

Hi tony,
Thanks for your help,
I forget to mentionned in my post that I already tried to access to BlueOS web interface. without success. Ansd this with both RASPERRY PI I have.
But, never the less I will triy again now and keep ypu posted.
Thanks already

All day long I try to connect and now I’m lucky I can log in to the BlueOS web page.
following your requestFind attached a print screen before I re-installed the firmware latest one stable 4.5
But unfortunately I try to restart several times but still no connection and light keep blinking blue, with sometimes fully brigth white.

Hi @Gilles -
It looks like your Navigator is communicating with the Raspberry Pi OK. If you’re not receving telemetry in QGroundControl, your computer’s IP may not be set to You can set it to this, or go to MavLink Endpoints (in pirate mode) and add a new UDP Client connection - it will auto-populate with the IP address your computer is using to access BlueOS.
This is all documented in the Blue ROV2 software setup.

Ok thanks for all this.
I will chexk all this later today and revert for end results.
Thanks and kind regards

HI Tony, thanks for all the support.
at the end, after many trials an errors I could connect to Qground control but this one give some little errors. Never mind as I shift during the test to Cockpit and this software works very well.
I had to change the path to connect. but it’s ok.
Cockpit also works via the webpage.
In conclusion to this I have no idea on how everything has been completely reset.
Once more thanks for your help.