"Leak sensor 2"


I see in BlueOS that it’s 3 seperate leak sensors available.

The “leak sensor 1” is in use with the original leak sensors in main electronic enclosure.

I want to monitor and have a leak sensor in a external enclosure. And would really like to seperate these leak sensors to know wich enclosure have a leak isfsomethings happends. ¨

Anyone know how to take the “leak sensor 2” in use to get two seperat leak monitoring?

Hi @Stihus,

ArduSub has parameter support for multiple leak sensors, which is why BlueOS shows them as options.

From your picture you seem to be using a Navigator, which has a single Raspberry Pi pin that’s shared between its three leak sensor input ports, and uses a separate chip for its PWM outputs (which doesn’t support any kind of signal input detection).

There are other pins on the Raspberry Pi that could potentially be used as input pins (e.g. the PWM0 signal pin (GPIO 18), the RGB LED data pin (GPIO 10), or one of the communication pins from a serial port), but I’m not sure they can be used as inputs within ArduSub without explicitly being configured that way beforehand/externally (I tried just setting the LEAK2_PIN parameter and wasn’t able to get it to work for any of those options).

I’ll ask internally whether there are any other ideas, although it’s perhaps worth noting that unless the connections between your enclosures are via water-blocked connectors, water going into one enclosure would likely travel through the cables into the other one(s) as well.

Ok, thanks, I will test a little myself with theese GPIO pins.

And yes, please check it out a little extra.

I do have water-blocked connectors, so the water do not have a way to travell between enclosures.

I did not get any wiser than you.

Did you have the time to check internally?