Issue with installing Gazebo 7 and 8 for ArduSub SITL

Hi, I’ve been trying to set up ArduSub SITL with Gazebo to simulate some image processing code on my AUV. However the problem is in the ArduSub documantation (SITL · GitBook) the required plugins are said to only support Gazebo 7 or 8 that are both very tedious to install on my Ubuntu 22.04 machine. Is there any other version of gazebo that is supported by ArduSub SITL?

The ardupilot_gazebo plugin has been updated for Gazebo Garden. Gazebo Garden has binaries for Ubuntu 22.04 and built-in plugins for buoyancy, hydrodynamics and thrusters. See the project here: GitHub - ArduPilot/ardupilot_gazebo: Plugins and models for vehicle simulation in Gazebo Sim with ArduPilot SITL controllers

I built a model for the BlueROV2 running in Gazebo Garden here: GitHub - clydemcqueen/bluerov2_ignition: BlueROV2 model for Gazebo Garden

Let me know if you run into bugs.



Thank you so much for your answer. I believe it will work out well.

I am trying to follow the links you sent as well. I am still on the first part of setting up gazebo garden and connecting it to ArduPilot and SITL. When trying to configure the environment variables, after I resource with the command “source ~/.bashrc”, I get
“bash: /usr/share/gazebo/ No such file or directory
bash: /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash: No such file or directory
bash: /usr/share/gazebo/ No such file or directory
bash: /usr/share/gazebo/ No such file or directory
bash: /usr/share/gazebo/ No such file or directory
bash: /usr/share/gazebo/ No such file or directory”
Do you know what exactly these errors are or any way to fix them? I am struggling to find useful information on line. Thank you

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Update: It seems as long as I rerun the environment commands, I can get the demo to work before moving on to the bluerov models. However, the quadcopter models do not load into the sim, I just see green boxes in place of it. Have you encountered this before?

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I haven’t worked on quatcopters so, unfortunately I haven’t encountered this issue before :confused:

Thank you, I managed to fix it!

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