Install from source issues on RasPi 2

Has anyone had problems installing from source on the RasPi? When I install the indigo dependences I get that the following have unmet dependencies: libqt4-opengl-dev. : depends: libgles2-mesa-dev.

I have attempted everything people have said on a bunch of forums. I assume most people didn’t run into this problem. I have Ubuntu Trusty and ROS Indigo base on the RasPi.

Thanks for the help.



Hi Mike, how are you installing ROS? using ros install and rosdep? Are you following the ARM install guide on the ROS wiki for Ubuntu on ARM?

Hi Jim,

Yes I am installing ROS and yes I was installing based on every guide I could find. The problem arises due to a PCL dependency that is in the CMakeLists.txt of bluerov_apps. I ended up commenting out both PCL related packages as well as adding in geometry_msgs as the .cfg file would not build without that package. I saw a comment on your discussion yesterday that helped me out so thank you.

I am trying to find the time to put together the ROV this week. I don’t have an autopilot yet as I just returned my APM and am planning on replacing with a Pixhawk.


Thanks again for checking up on my post.



Oh, yeah, perception_pcl i.e. pcl_ros requires stand-alone pcl install, and the standard bluerov stack had the dependency on pcl until recently. I think Josh removed it from CMake and package files. PCL is not used currently. The ROS ARM install is tricky and I’ve not had a clean install the last four or five times I’ve done it. It’s laborious no matter if you have a Ubuntu arm or raspbian esque os. I am posting a ubuntu arm and raspbian arm images into my own repo tonight and will post the link for folks if they want the ubuntu trusty or raspbian wheezy/jessie kernels.

Hi Mike,

As Jim mentioned, I did remove the PCL dependencies a couple of weeks ago. You should be able to achieve a trouble-free install if you follow the bluerov tutorials on

Please let us know if you have any additional issues.

