Hello everyone. My team is working on a project and we are trying to see if it is possible to get ROS2 on the BlueBoat. Going through past discussions it seems like there has been some success with getting ROS2 working on the BlueROVs but no word on the BlueBoat. We are specifically working with ROS2, so the ROS extension might be out of question, unless we are missing something…
Any advice or guidance would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Hi @Tim -
Welcome to the forums! We’ve not tested with ROS2 whatsoever, but I believe if you install Ubuntu, then ROS2 and BlueOS on the Pi (manually), you may have what you need? I’m not sure how the communications between ROS2 and BlueOS / ArduSub would occur…
Using the (ROS1) extension is the easiest approach!
I would recommend taking a look in the ROS extension and use it as a base to develop a ROS2 extension for your application, a standard installation of BlueOS should do the trick.
I believe the folks in the Ocean Systems Lab at Heriot Watt University have worked on this. They may be able to provide some information regarding their approach.