If you can say How big of revision for ping Purchase Pending

Hello, I am ordering lights after seeing visiability was basically -1 foot in my first lake dive. So I couldn’t see had no idea where the bottom was. So buying lights and hope that helps in some cases, I was thinking about also getting the ping altimeter but that purple flag makes me pause. I don’t know what I don’t know but I think unless you where extending the range I am okay with it as is today.

Hi @nfored,

The new specifications will be available at release, but I can say the range will be increasing. The transducer beam is narrower, which reduces the area covered by a given ping, but means the transmission spreads out less as it travels, so more of it gets back at a detectable level from reflections that occur further away.

Note that the usual physical caveats still apply - if the target surface/object does not reflect much of the pulse back towards the sonar then it will not be detectable.

It should be noted that the minimum range is the biggest factor when it comes to using the Ping1D. If the visibility is actually 1’ like the OP says, then any of the BlueRobotics sonar products are a waste of their money since they won’t do anything at those ranges. It needs more than 1’ for a reliable contact.

I have tested it:


Here’s both of the Blue Robotics Sonars in action in low visibility, if you want a reference:

Yes visibility was basically nothing I do hope that wont always be the case when I dive :-). I not needing to know whats 1’ in front of me via sonar. However that I would like to know how far the bottom is for the ping1d so if I can’t see I can at least know when to slow the decent, and hopefully not smash the bottom. if talking 360 I I could launch some place where I at least know for 30’ radius there are no obstructions, would I then just be able to drive slow and pause if the smearing gets to bad?

This is me honestly asking as I don’t have any experience yet and just want to make the best buys. From drones I hate buying a part only to instantly upgrade that part.

So the second video seemed like better behaving the first one confused me it seemed like the 1d had no clue jumping from 4 f to 50 f to 1 f.

So what in your experience is the lowest altitude I should expect the ping1d work at, Does it need to be deeper than say 10 f to start seeing the bottom and then can track it down to a foot or so? I also understand bottom is relative term could be reflecting off a single rock or small hole and get different readings.

I would love to be able to get a DV-A50 but that will have to wait.

@nfored I mentioned the short range of the sonar since you will need to be less than 1’ away from objects to see them if the visibility is 1’. I use mine like how you are planning: so I can see the bottom coming up and to avoid landing on objects. I wouldn’t recommend it if your primary purpose was to use to reliability keep altitude within 1’ from the bottom.

It works reliably up until about 2-3’, then the reliability starts to decrease with the range starts jumping around. It can work for 1’ or a little less if the bottom is hard and flat.

The jumping around just means that it can’t get a good return since it’s too close, but it isn’t a problem since I usually switch to visual piloting around 5’ from the bottom and then slowly creep down until I see it. I also can double check the altitude by going up 1-2’ until it re-establishes contact with the bottom.

The first range test video was filmed in about 2’ of water, so the sonar was maybe a couple inches above the bottom.