How to set up and display internal pressure

Hi, here!

I have a couple of questions about internal pressure in the enclosure, and I can’t find any docs around this

How/where is it displayed in QGC?
How do I set up warning threshold?
In which MAVLink frame is it sent?

I have Pixhawk PX4 + RPi3 companion

How/where is it displayed in QGC?

There is no option to display the internal pressure beneath the compass, the only way to see it at the moment is with Tools->Mavlink Inspector->SCALED_PRESSURE

How do I set up warning threshold?

On the Safety tab of the Vehicle Setup menu (click the gears icon).

In which MAVLink frame is it sent?

The internal pressure comes over the message SCALED_PRESSURE.

Cool, thanks
And which message contains external pressure then?

External pressure is in SCALED_PRESSURE2

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