How to retrieve higher frequency IMU data from the BlueBoat

I have been looking to find a way to retrieve the full IMU data print-out (x-y-z accels, x-y-z gyros) for a localization project at the highest frequency possible.

Through QGroundControl I’ve been able to get read the data-flash logs, which publish at ~50Hz, but I’m trying to see if it is possible to improve the log to have recorded data at 100 Hz. Similarly, I am looking for a way to improve the GPS data log frequency but I figured that starting with the IMU might be easier.

Thank you,

Hi @timofuzz -
Have you tried modifying the ArduRover log rate parameter? This should to the trick for both orientation and GPS position, but GPS position may have an upper limit that is lower as this comes from the external module. The AHRS loop is running at around 400hz I believe? Increasing the rate will dramatically affect the size of your autopilot log files… are you reviewing them using this tool?