How to display GPS on Ground Control

New BlueROV2 displays map in lower left corner at 00:00.00 Lat and 000:00.00 Long. Other than the map, how does GPS display? How do I know if GPS is working?

Other than the map, how does GPS display?

The GPS coordinates in the next version of QGC will be available for display with the other telemetry by the compass/attitude indicator.

How do I know if GPS is working?

You will see your position on the map, the correct coordinates in the telemetry display, and the main LED on the pixhawk will turn green instead of blue.

Do you have a GPS antenna connected to the Pixhawk? Normal GPS antennas will not work underwater. You need another type of positioning system like the Underwater GPS Developer Kit in our store.

Best - Jacob


I was told that this system came with a GPS. I see now that that is incorrect. Either way I have an Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout V3 circuit card that I got to work with an Arduino way back in the day. I wonder if I can get this thing to work on the ROV? Hmmm. Not sure.


These are the GPS that are known to work with the ArduPilot family of firmwares: GPS/Compass (landing page) — Copter documentation

Hi Jacob,
I’ve managed to get GPS input into the computer (using btGPS app) and my location is displayed on the map in QGroundControl, but still there is no numeric values displayed in the value window, it just showing 0.00000 below lat and long. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!

Hi @odedezra,

You should send the NMEA data to at UDP port 27000

It sounds like you connected it to QGC itself, which means qgc will use it to show the computer’s position instead of the ROV’s.

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ah, I will try it, thank you!