I’m trying to connect to the pixhawk over the Telem 2 port with a Jetson Nano to receive/send mavlink messages. Can anyone provide a brief script on how to get started with this? I’ve tried
Got a solution. It seems that the UART on Jetson Nano is the issue. I don’t have a USB to TTL cable on hand, but I found that you can connect GND to RESET on an arduino uno and use it as a USB to TTL cable. Using this I am able to connect on /dev/ttyACM0
I’ve edited your post to include a code block, so it’s easier to read and understand. You can read about that and more in the How to use the Blue Robotics Forums post
You don’t seem to have posted your full code, but from what you’ve provided my main guesses are
You’re trying to connect with mavlink.mavlink_connection instead of mavutil.mavlink_connection
You haven’t specified the baudrate you want to connect with, so it’s using Pymavlink’s default of 115200, which won’t work when the port is set to 57600
→ try
Perhaps the "/dev/ttyTHS1" device is incorrect
→ you may need to try listing the available devices on your Jetson Nano in case the Pixhawk is showing up at a different one, assuming that’s possible
You may need to send a ping or heartbeat message before it will send messages back
I don’t expect this is a requirement, but it likely doesn’t hurt to try if nothing else is working
Good that you’ve managed to also find a workaround, in case it doesn’t work to directly use the UART port