Fiber Optic: Upgrade Kit / Cable / BROV2

Hi @Jnyberg,

This looks great - thanks for sharing! :smiley:

Out of interest, do you have some sense of how your SVS-209 converter compares to this one from @DeepWaterExploration, and the DeltaROV one (from @etienne)? At a glance it seems like yours is a converter and ethernet switch combined into a single board, presumably at the expense of a larger board area, but I’m curious if there are particular feature differences that should be considered in a tradeoff.

Of course you’re providing a full kit/upgrade here, not just the conversion board. It’s definitely a neat value add to be able to get a full system that should “just work”, rather than needing to determine which other parts should go with it and then source them independently. I’ve made a note to add this to our hardware docs :slight_smile: