we have a 400m CAT6 cable. We were trying to run our ROV via this. We have issue in connecting the ROV via this 400m tether even after using the Fathom-X Tether Interface with 2 twisted pair wires . However, everything is fine when we use 150m CAT6 tether.
I assume that the length is an issue even if its mentioned in the website that the Fathom-X Tether Interface supports length more than 600m.
Could somebody recommend, how should i further proceed to improve my situation and on what’s wrong on my side here ?
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Hi @surajbilung,
Our Fathom-X product page specifies that while the manufacturer of the LX200V20 HomePlug modules has a published maximum connection length of 2000m, we have only tested up to 300m tethers with a usable connection.
From our Tether product page:
Accordingly it may be the case that tethers longer than 300m do not work well with the Fathom-X boards.
Assuming a 600m tether is required, you may wish to try a more advanced HomePlug module, or alternatively it could be worth trying a fibre optic tether.
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