Donner Lake is a spectacular test location. We had never done testing there, but had some new equipment on the Lanai ROV and decided to give it a try. Lake access is easy (we just parked along the North shore) and it’s deep enough to reach almost 50m depth on only 125m tether. The soft bottom and clear water make for a good test location, only watch out for the boat traffic near the surface and keep your tether down. A special thanks to Walter Fletcher and Cerulean Sonar!
Great video! I would recommend having the ROV telemetry as hardcoded subtitles on the video, but that is just my preferences.
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I didn’t like the flashing of the text, and so decided to leave it out of this video. We are testing with a Videologix on-screen overlay for our Lanai Pro. It is incorporated in the 22in monitor console and provides a nice overlay for recording.
I used the free program HandBrake to hardcode the subtitles in my last video and it did a really good job. I also had to convert the .mkv video to .mp4 to use with my video editor to overlay the ping viewers, so it’s very convenient to do both jobs at the same time. I will be looking forward to see how your Videologix setup works out.