Docker image updates failing

Anybody else seeing this kind of problem?

Hi @rperkins,

Do you have your vehicle connect via a proxy or a firewall of some kind ?
Can you run the internet speed test ?

Hi @patrickelectric ,

No proxy or firewall, just a normal internet modem and router setup. I will do the internet speed test and report back.

A little slow on the download side. My other computers report more like 200mbps.

I did a fresh install of BlueOS on a new SD card, now running the current stable 1.3.1 and ArduSub 4.1.2. Still seeing the same behavior when attempting to download any docker image. I also get quite a few reboots/restarts from the system and after awhile lost the video feed. In short, the whole system seems rather unstable. Could it be the RPi?

That does seem unusual @rperkins -
Is this an older ROV with a pixhawk?
Have you been running the system on the bench fully enclosed for awhile? It could be overheating if so…

This is a up-to-date system with a Navigator board running on the bench with no enclosure, so definitely no overheating. I’m going to swap both the Pi and Navigator to see if anything improves.

I wondered if the problem had to do with either the specific Pi and Navigator or with my home internet access, so I set up a brand-new Pi and Navigator combo and connected to the internet via my home router and through my cell phone-- totally independent methods. Getting the same error trying to grab a new BlueOS version in both cases! In all cases (old and new Pi/Nav combos) the Pi itself has no trouble getting to the internet and pulling its own updates.