I have installed the BlueOS and the ROS docker extension developed. I have problem running the mavros override commands.
rostopic echo /mavros/rc/override
[WARN] [1738759410.693170]: Inbound TCP/IP connection failed: connection from sender terminated before handshake header received. 106 bytes were received. Please check sender for additional details.
Although it is connected to ROS and can read the state:
/rostopic echo /mavros/state
seq: 1371
secs: 1738760099
nsecs: 445740692
frame_id: ‘’
connected: True
armed: True
guided: False
manual_input: True
mode: “MANUAL”
system_status: 5
Also, the channels are empty when I run:
rostopic echo /mavros/rc/in
seq: 428
secs: 1738758981
nsecs: 502236096
frame_id: ‘’
rssi: 255
FYI, the BlueOS is working on the browser without problems and I updated it to the latest version. I’m testing it in air with an external 10A power supply. All the sensors were calibrated.
Please, if anyone have a solution for this issue.
@patrickelectric, please let me know if you are familair with this problem.