Communication link between pixhawk and Companion PC

Hi guys,

we are bulding a ROV. We use Pixhawk + Raspberry Pi. However, the communication between the companion PC and Pixhawk wasn’t functional and the device was not visible under QGroundControl.
The PX was interconnected with the RPi via USB.

We have also connected the pixhawk directly to the PC and QGroundControl was able to detect the device + all the connected thrusters and I managed to control them via PS3 dualshock controller.

There are two points to clarify:

  1. Unfortunately we have RPi rev 2 model B only at the moment. Base on the thread’s and documentation I’ve read it appears, that only model 3B is supported.

  2. Under Companion Computers · PX4 Developer Guide
    they state, that the Companion PC is connected to the autopilot (pixhawk) via serial line through the TELEM2 interface. As ArduSub is derived from this project (what I understand), I would assume the TELEM2 should be used as a communication link.

Can someone clarify, what is actually valid? Does the Companion PC communicates with the autopilot via USB or TELEM2 in case of ArduSub project?

Is there a list of supported RPi’s?

Thank you very much for your help,

Ok, so I’ve asked BR directly and the answer is following:

Only supported RPi is RPi 3B. There is no backward compatibility with RPi 2 or so…

Regarding the pixhawk/RPi interconnetion this happens through micro-USB on pixhawk and USB on RPi. Which differs from ArduPilot project, where the serial link on TELEM2 is used.