Cerulean's DVL-75 Data Retrieval


We have just received and installed the all-in-one DVL-75 from Cerulean. How can we receive its reading in Python? It is not entirely clear from their website and we are wondering if anyone here has run into the same issue. We have setup the DVL-75 software by following the guide on Cerulean’s website.


Hi @moro,

I don’t have experience with the DVL-75, but from a look at Cerulean’s GitHub there doesn’t appear to be a Python library or repository available for interacting with or configuring it, so there may not be one. They do provide some companion integration code, which seems to enable at least basic integration/control, and they have a pynmea2 repo for handling NMEA messages.

The User Manual on the Cerulean website includes several pages on communicating with the DVL, which is presumably where you’ll need to start if you want full configurability via Python.

It’s possible that I’ve missed something, so hopefully any community members who have actually used it can chime in if that’s the case. You may also want to ask on Cerulean’s forum.

Hello Maurice, Let me check on this and I will get back to you!

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Are you using Serial or Ethernet?

hello, we are using serial

Hello Maurice,

Please take a look at this link: Short introduction — pySerial 3.4 documentation

You can use this library to parse the strings: GitHub - CeruleanSonar/pynmea2: Cerulean Version of pynmea2 (For ROVL and DVL Support)

This code sample in the readme should work
streamreader = pynmea2.NMEAStreamReader()
while 1:
data = input.read()
for msg in streamreader.next(data):
print msg

Let us know how it goes ---- Thanks,

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