Camera MountTilt Centre Value

Strange one, not had this issue before. New ROV with BlueOS 1.3.1 and Ardusub 4.5.0 - heavy config, standard default parameters.

Camera servo on navigator channel 16 and setup as MountTilt in BlueOS i.e., SERVO16_FUNCTION parameter is MountTilt (7) - Servo16_Max is 1900, Min is 1100 and Trim is 1500.

The issue is that when you issue a camera centre command from the joystick, it shifts to 1239PWM which is tilted upwards and not centred - same on reboot, it defaults to 1239PWM. This equates to a tilt of about 16% and is reported as this in Cockpit under the widgets. Where is this set? Obviously I want it to go to 50% when Mount Center command is sent.

Using Cockpit.

To note, the camera setting page is also absent in QGC for this ROV - version 4.2.8 - trying to avoid using QGC as I don’t like the way it conflicts with Cockpit and I always end up having both open at same time.

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Hi, I have the same problem here, with the same configuration (Heavy with default parameters, BlueOS 1.3.1, Ardusub 4.5.0). The only difference is that I’m using QGC.

Were you able to solve this problem?