Strange one, not had this issue before. New ROV with BlueOS 1.3.1 and Ardusub 4.5.0 - heavy config, standard default parameters.
Camera servo on navigator channel 16 and setup as MountTilt in BlueOS i.e., SERVO16_FUNCTION
parameter is MountTilt (7)
- Servo16_Max is 1900, Min is 1100 and Trim is 1500.
The issue is that when you issue a camera centre command from the joystick, it shifts to 1239PWM which is tilted upwards and not centred - same on reboot, it defaults to 1239PWM. This equates to a tilt of about 16% and is reported as this in Cockpit under the widgets. Where is this set? Obviously I want it to go to 50% when Mount Center command is sent.
Using Cockpit.
To note, the camera setting page is also absent in QGC for this ROV - version 4.2.8 - trying to avoid using QGC as I don’t like the way it conflicts with Cockpit and I always end up having both open at same time.