I would like to run the PingViewer software on my Raspberry Pi 4 for my Ping360 sensor. Understand that that default installation executables do not support ARM architectures, hence the Pingviewer software will need to be compiled through Qt and the pingviewer source codes directly.
Following the build instructions on the documentation, I am unable to complete the qmake install steps:
qmake ../ping-viewer
Additionally, building the pingviewer from Qt is not possible as the repository seems to be missing the pingviewer.pro files. (From a recent commit)
May I know if there is an alternative for using Pingviewer on a Raspberry Pi-4? If not, would appreciate some advice on how I should proceed with building Pingviewer from source.
In our latest Ping Viewer release we changed from using qmake to cmake, but it seems like our build documentation hasn’t been updated to reflect that. @patrickelectric should be able to provide updated build instructions, but if this is urgent then you should be able to git checkout a commit from before the cmake change and build that with qmake.
From a quick look at the ping-viewer commit history it seems like a36979d is the latest commit from before cmake changes were introduced, but it may be necessary to try an earlier one, and I haven’t tried building PingViewer on RPi so can’t guarantee it will work at all. Would recommend waiting for Patrick if possible
I’ve just added an issue on GitHub to update our Ping Viewer build docs:
@hc-robotics, just following up on this, Patrick has added a PR for cmake instructions which provides basic instructions, although they still need a couple of changes to be easier to follow for everyone.
The overview is that building PingViewer now uses Qt5.15 instead of Qt5.12, and cmake instead of qmake. You might be able to run the new build instructions successfully, but if you’d prefer you can wait until they’re finalised and merged into the official documentation (likely in the next few days)
As the version of Qt I’m running is 5.12, I looked through the commit history checked out the commit 3a0cec3 (which should be the last commit prior to PingViewer being updated to 5.15). After installing some additional qt submodules, I was able to build and run the PingViewer on my RPi4, successfully interfacing it with my Ping360 sonar.
Will look out for the new build instructions and likely upgrade to Qt5.15 then!
The build instructions documentation is updated to cmake and Qt5.15 now, so you should be able to use those to build the latest version of PingViewer. Let us know if you run into any issues.
If the new instructions work for you, please mark this comment as the solution