I’m happy to say that the first dive test was, generally, a success. The BlueROV2 performed well in “Manual” flight mode and while I only went to 5 meters, there were no leaks.
I am having an issue with “Stabilized” and “Depth Hold” flight modes though: Immediately after switching from manual to either of these modes, the ROV begins violently rolling to the left and is not controllable. Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas?
Topside computer is linux mint 18.0, “ArduSub PX4-vectored” firmware from 8/26/2016, and QGroundControl daily build from 8/12/2016. Unfortunately, the latest daily build hangs with a blank white screen.
I’m also curious as to what people are using to capture video. I’m currently just using Kazam to do a screen capture which is great to record the pilot view but I’d like to find a good way to capture raw video in the highest resolution possible. Anyone have a solution that is working well for them?
Thanks for the help!