BlueROV2 R1 Camera not detected after upgrade to BlueOS


Thanks for the answer BTW. I took the same approach, I’ll try again in a month. What about you? Any luck?

Ah, here it is a post that might help:


TL/DR - manually change camera configuration ISP to and unplug and restart everything after each minor update or change.

We were getting these same errors working with the BlueROV2 R1 low light USB camera using a laptop PC with Windows 10v22H2. I believe we are using Qgroundcontrol v 4.5.2, but I’d have to check. We updated to the latest master BlueOS yesterday (but not really sure what version it is since the user interface doesn’t seemingly state the current version you are running in a simple way that doesn’t leave you guessing).

We had to play around with this camera issue a lot and it seems like we started to make progress as we slowly realized we had to power down/ restart each device after each update. So I highly recommend closing your browsers and shutting down all instances of BlueOS and Q-ground control, and restarting the computer. I also recommend powering down the BlueROV2 and unplug it from its battery source and restart it.

When we had to manually add and configure our camera in BlueOS, we were using the same IP address we thought we were using in our previous (pre-BlueOS) setup. We noted the warning message above “It looks like there’s no video stream accessible from your device’s detected IP address (”.

Sorry, I can’t recall the next step exactly and I’m not on the computer we were using, but we tried both of the following to confirm what IP address was assigned to the Ethernet 2 port and to the USB.

Option 1 - We opened up Windows Settings/Control Panel/Network and Internet/Change Adapter Settings. Then right-clicked on the Ethernet 2 icon and entered the System Admin Password. I believe that was were we checked what IP address was assigned.

Option 2 - If not there, it was within Windows Settings/Control Panel/Device Manager/USB.

Back in BlueOS, under the video stream menu/configure/edit, we had to manually edit the IP address there so that it was instead of (I don’t recall if that IP address was automatically popped in there when we first configured it, or we typed it in, but we were going by some old notes we kept for how we set things up the first time before BlueOS.

Anyways, after updating to the and restarting everything again and powering stuff back up, we were able to finally get video to show in Q-groundcontrol. Although it is real finicky and definitely doesn’t like the 30fps. We noticed that things seemed to stall when we selected the 1080p with 30fps combo (presumably the board or camera or cords are not rated for that plus whatever else might be drawing from it). However, when we notched down the resolution and or fps settings, we noticed that the camera and video options didn’t disappear as quickly as they did in the highest resolution and fps setting. Its buggy, and we found that closing the browser window or restarting would magically give us back some of these video and camera settings when we restarted again.

We were successful in seeing the video and camera in the Q-groundcontrol, but now I’m wondering, if BlueOS is basically trying to replicate that within its system and eventually Q-groundcontrol will not be needed? (I’m a newb, so forgive my ignorance).

As for the operation and checking our controller settings, something real wonky was happening that seemed to be a conflict between BlueOS and Qgroundcontrol where it would just arm and disarm the platform on its own and not react to our button clicks. I’m saying this here because other users reported lag in the video in this thread and we recall having that issue way back when we were first setting things up and it seemed to happen after a long day of troubleshooting the BlueROV2 on the benchtop and the core temperature was rather high (I don’t recall what exactly). We were also using a super long (300m) tether at that time. We weren’t able to get the UGPS to work with it so switched to a 100m tether. We didn’t experience that video lag afterward (but this was pre-upgrade to BlueOS). We chalked up the weird issues with controller settings to possible overheating and closed down yesterday. We will continue to troubleshoot to see if that issue gets resolved.