Blueos-core not running

Hello, I attempted to install BlueOS on my Raspberry Pi 4B by running the command

sudo su -c 'curl -fsSL | bash'.

However, after restarting my Raspberry Pi, I discovered that the BlueOS Core was not functioning properly. I checked the log for BlueOS Bootstrap and found an error, which is shown in the attached image below.

I am running the Raspbian OS 2023-05-03-raspios-bullseye-armhf-lite.img.xz. I am hoping you can help me resolve this issue with the BlueOS Bootstrap.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Hi @Sakthivelj -
Is your intention to use BlueOS with the Raspberry Pi 4B? The best way to install this is to flash the BlueOS image to an SD card - I would recommend this approach. You can find instructions here:

@tony-white Thank you for your message. I am familiar with the method you mentioned, but I need some customization when using That’s why I am trying this way, which will allow me to automatically install my required packages.

Hi @Sakthivelj,

BlueOS install script is what we use to create our default images, you can check our production CI running.

We do not recommend installing bootstrap master version, please use the latest stable 1.1.

To add on that, we have created an issue on the specific library besides locking subdependencies on bootstrap as well. It should be fixed on the following days.

@patrickelectric Thank you very much after adding the sub dependencies now it’s working.

Hi @Sakthivelj,

It should be fixed on latest master already, we are also updating BlueOS related dockers to use python 3.11. One of the roots of such issue was that python 3.7 is EOL. So soon, BlueOS master, bootstrap and future beta and stable versions should come with the new python.

Thanks for reporting!

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