BlueOS on Raspberry Pi 3b with Buster

We are a group of students working with the BlueRov2. We are adding an Event Camera and it’s ROS 1 publisher to the Raspberry Pi 3b. Since ROS Noetic and Bullseye is a bad match I manually installed BlueOS on Buster.

When in BlueOS on Buster the camera will not stream properly. After some manual setup I got to send the frames, but Q-GroundControl does not have a choice for h264, although I set up the stream with h264. It seems this setting is not set in QGC but rather received from BlueOS?

  • Have anyone reported installing BlueOS on Buster before with success? Should I expect trouble or try one of your branches/betas?

  • I have the SD-card with the unspoiled image and streaming works fine there. I could just copy the config-file for the gstreamer (if I knew where to find it), but things are maybe not that easy?

  • If the camera is the only known thing failing I can service that with ROS as well and survive, but I’d like to try fixing it first.

Please let me know if I left out crucial info.

BlueOS Version: heads/master-0-gbddcf49

[update 1] When accessing i get this error displayed in a popup:

Failed to get legacy mode: {'stdout': "''", 'stderr': "'/usr/bin/raspi-config: 2569: /usr/bin/raspi-config: get_legacy: not found\\n'", 'return_code': 127}

[update 2] I guess what I’ll need is to know what scripts I should run on Buster, installing dependencies with correct versions, before running the BlueOS docker? Maybe something like this:

Me again, talking to myself :slight_smile:
(success) Did a new build now with newer master repo, with a fresh install of buster-slim, without even updating anything, just running the everything is functioning just fine on Buster.

BlueOS Version: heads/master-0-g3ec7237

(I still get the legacy mode error, but I don’t think it matters since, if I understand it correctly, that is only there to provide stuff from Buster to Bullseye…

Georg out

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Hi @discoimp, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

The master release has no guarantees of stability. Of course we try not to introduce broken code, but we can’t test everything in a code review, and master is often used for initial “real world” testing of the latest features. If the system proves to be stable with all the current changes, and there’s nothing obviously unfinished, then we consider making a beta image.

If you want stability I’d recommend first trying the latest stable tag, and only trying the latest beta tag if there are new features you’re interested in. master is not recommended except as a base for new developments.

Glad to hear your issue is seemingly resolved :slight_smile:

Bullseye changed to removing v4l2 support for the Raspberry Pi camera - turning on legacy mode re-enables that support (which allows the Raspberry Pi camera to be detected and managed by our video manager), which is useful for some people but irrelevant to most.

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