BlueOS Arduplane 4.5.4 firmware no sensors detected (barometer not found)

Hi @rosss -
Please keep your enquiry limited to a single forum thread - you created a duplicate one today and we’d prefer you not clutter the forum with your topic! This is not a way to receive assistance faster…
You are likely facing an issue with BlueOS communicating with the component on the Navigator that provides multiple PWM outputs. As you are developing your own Navigator, the amount of support we can offer is limited, however @williangalvani may have some recommendations for getting things talking properly. The post you’ve found has no relation to your issues.


Ok, I link all further discussion, since only problem is pwm overall PWM not working BlueOS Arduplane firmware - #8 by EliotBR

Ok, we resolved the issue with PWM. Our PCA component was not connected to GPIO26 on raspberry, it is purely a design flaw. We fixed it by soldering a 100 Ohm resistor from PCA to raspberry pi pin and it worked. Thanks everyone for helping!

We made a successful maiden flight, in full auto flight. We had an LTE modem on board with rfd900 telemetry

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