Blueos and Cocpit

Hi all

After installing Blueos and Cockpit I toke it for its first mission. After operating for about 10 minutes at 38 m and in depth hold the ROV without any warning went to full speed to the surface. At the surface I was able to disarm it. After that it operated normally for the rest of the dive about 1 hour.
Blueos ver. 1.3.1
Ardupilot ver4.5.0
Can anyone explain what went wrong?

Regards Bo

Hi @Bovikarby -
That surfacing event sounds like one of two potential things happened:

  1. You triggered a failsafe that put the vehicle in “surface” mode, where it will try and do just that! Double check your failsafes under the Vehicle Setup / Configure menu.
  2. Cockpit was configured to keep sending joystick input even when not in focus, and you were sending an upwards joystick input when another window was selected. Were you using standalone cockpit, or the BlueOS extension? You don’t list what version of Cockpit you were using…

Mele kalikimaka!

Hi Tony
Thanks for quick answer. I am using the stand alone Cockpit in W11
Can this happen if wifi is out of range in the Xbox controller ?
// Bo

Hi @Bovikarby -
Yes, that could explain it too, in the same way as #2 above - last input when the battery dies or the unit goes out of range being to ascend.

Thanks Tony
God jul och ett gott nytt år !
// Bo

Hi again Tony
Can you point the way were i find this setting in Cockpit Stand alone setting.
// Bo

Hi @Bovikarby -
This setting is not specific to Cockpit or QGC - you can find it under Vehicle Setup/ Configure / Failsafes

Just to clarify @Bovikarby,

  1. The main failsafes can be configured via the Vehicle Setup page in BlueOS (as Tony mentioned), but the actual implementation is in ArduSub via parameters, so you can also configure them using raw parameters, or the failsafes page in QGC.
  2. If your issue was from Cockpit maintaining an upward command it received just before the joystick lost connection with Cockpit then the setting for that is available in Settings / Joystick, but I don’t expect that to be consistent behaviour because the last input Cockpit detects depends on what you’re pressing at the time (and normally it shouldn’t be losing connection to the joystick during operation).

Thank you // Bo
