I managed to make a mess of the BlueBoat joystick controls and was wondering if anyone can help me restore it. I attempted to setup an RC radio with SBUS adapter. I managed to get this RC airplane radio to control the BlueBoat thrusters. However it messed up the control configuration for the Joystick. I have now removed the SBUS adapter and RC radio from my setup and trying to restore normal Joystick operation.
I installed a fresh BlueOS install on and SD card into the Pi4. I can finally get the thrusters to move. However, the Left joystick up/down controls throttle on the Port motor and the Right joystick right/left controls throttle on the Starboard motor. I have tried all 4 Joystick configuration options in the joystick setup without default controls (e.g. Left joystick up/down = Throttle, Right joystick right/left = Steering/Yaw)
Are there some left over settings from my RC radio / SBUS setup in Q Ground Control that should be reassigned?