Bar 100 on Pixhawk 6C

I am currently trying to utilize a bar100 pressure sensor in a pixhawk 6C environment.
I’ve tried several things I found on the forums.

  1. enabling SR2_RAW_SENS.
  2. change BARO_PROB_EXT to keller
    etc. but the SCALED_PRESSURE2 option does not appear.
    And if I use the ardusub firmware, it will be recognized, but due to circumstances, I don’t have time to change the board or do it.

Can you please help me how to solve this?

Translated with (free version)

Hi @ROADwon
Welcome to the forums!
It sounds like you’re trying to use a different firmware than ArduSub with the Bar100? Unfortunately, only ArduSub has support for the Bar100. If you’d like to use it with another firmware (ArduCopter, Plane, Rover, etc.) then you would need to modify the firmware to support it.
Sorry for the news!

Thank you for your reply!
can i install ardusub firmware on pixhawk 6C? or is not possible
then use Pixhawk4 or 2.4.8 for my ROV Project?

additionally ,
i’ll be using T200 Thruster 2EA, Bar 100 Depth Sensor and LeakSensor, and LEDs
isn’t support on Ardupilot on Pixhwak6C?

Thank you so much!

Hi @ROADwon -
It does not appear that the Pixhawk 6C is supported by ArduSub, but I could be wrong! Most folks use an old Pixhawk 2.4.8, or the Blue Robotics Navigator.