Ardusub SERVO output range setting

Hi @HanJIK,

What are you actually trying to achieve?

The servo-output limits in ArduSub use different parameters depending on how the output is configured. Here are the most common ones:

SERVOn_FUNCTION Control Parameters Notes
MotorN RC3_MIN/MAX ArduSub <= 4.1.0-beta
MOT_PWM_MIN/MAX ArduSub >= 4.1.0 (stable)
RCIN9 (Lights 1 Level) RC9_MIN/MAX See also Lights Setup Page
RCIN10 (Lights 2) RC10_MIN/MAX
mount_tilt SERVOn_MIN/MAX Camera Mount Setup Page
Disabled (Servo) SERVOn_MIN/MAX servo_x_... (BTN)