Hi everyone,
I hope you’re all doing well. I’d like to gather your thoughts and opinions on a project I’m undertaking. I’m planning to construct a custom ROV frame equipped with 7 thrusters, as depicted in the image
Do you have any thoughts or opinions on this? I’ve already developed the firmware, but I want to ensure that my configuration is accurate.
Why are thrusters 1&2 vertical at the front of the vehicle, matched by thrusters 3&4 ?
The layout as you’ve shown will not be capable of “strafing” moving laterally without facing the direction of travel…
The table of thruster vectors does not match your layout (Motor 1 is vertical so would not influence yaw…)
Hi @tony-white,
actually, side view = the back view of the ROV, thrusters 1,2,6, and 7 are horizontal thruters.
so, in this custom frame, I have 4 thrusters facing forward,
I understand now! It may not be necessary to have multiple control channels for 7/2 and 1/6 - instead they could have the signal lines joined and connected to a single output of the autopilot. That may make this existing frame usable for you?

You would get roll/pitch stabilization, and connect your horizontal thrusters to channels 1&2. If you wanted the ability to strafe, you could connect an additional thruster to channel 6…
Hi @tony-white ,
Thank you for your fast response !! You are correct, BlueROV1 frame was the background idea.
However, I want to remove the use of the strafe ability of channel 6, and use it for horizontal thruster along with additional thruster channel 7. By having 4 horizontal thrusters on the back, not only yaw, but the ROV has a better ability for pitch/tilt movement. but I am wondering if my thrusters table is correct.
4 horizontal thrusters do not contribute to the pitch moment, unless they are significantly off-center from the center of drag of the vehicle?
Have you compared or derived your thruster table from the BlueROV1 frame table values?
hi @tony-white I did and will update you with the result soon.
Thank you for your help