We are working on a AUV system. Currently i am searching that how can i access to the real-time MAVLink messages. ( I want to access the datas which can seen on QGround’s MAVLink Inspector section). I’m doing researches for a long while and had no results. We are using a Pixhawk2.4.8 and a Jetson Nano.
For instance,
i am using a depth sensor, how can i access to the current depth values in real time via pymavlink?
how can i access to the AHRS2 values that constantly updating on terminal?
I’ve succeeded to connect with my master computer and succeeded to print "PARAM_VALUES"
on terminal, but when i try to change it to "AHRS2"
it returns None
on terminal.
Note: Terminal returns Null on "AHRS2"
whether i arm the vehicle or not.
import time
import sys
from pymavlink import mavutil
master = mavutil.mavlink_connection("/dev/ttyACM0", baud=115200)
while True:
m = master.recv_match(type = "PARAM_VALUES", blocking = True, timeout = 1)
if m is None:
Any help will be appreciated, thanks.