Wireless connection between PC and tether

Hi, I am using a wireless connection between my computer and the tether reel. I am using the standard wifi adapter inside of the computer. Connection is working and I have video and telemetry/control.
The video is a bit “sluggish” so I am trying to use an external usb wifi adapter instead. Problem is that I don’t get video at all when using the adapter. Control and telemetry works fine.
Any idea what can be the problem?
BR from Norway
Jan R

Check your network settings and IP address. Your IP must be

I see that RAK which produce the module that allows for using a single twisted pair on the Fathom X board are touting a module that apparently plugs into their own more rudimentary version of the Fathom X and allows for wireless connection of up to 1000 metres. That would be incredibly handy for a number of reasons not least of which is being able to distance yourself from the tether reel and do away with the need of a slip ring if it were compatible with a Fathom X. I am wondering if anybody has had any experience with these units?

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