So i boot up the ROV.
Go to to check the DVL and its always working.
Then go to, available services, waterlinked and then i check the DVL connection. Its never there on startup so i then go to the terminal, and put in:
# find the name of the DVL container, and stop and remove it
export OLD=$(docker container ls --format='{{.Names}}' | grep -i dvl)
docker container stop $OLD
docker container rm $OLD
# pull the new image and start the new docker
docker pull williangalvani/blueos-dvl:latest
docker run -d --net=host -v /root/.config/blueos:/root/.config --name=BlueOS-Water-Linked-DVL --restart=unless-stopped williangalvani/blueos-dvl:latest
I then checked the DVL in available services again. This time it shows “running”. I then go to QGC and go into position hold mode, which then work as expected holding the ROV in place.
Upon checking that its functioning, I then power the ROV off via the switch (just cuts battery power to the ROV), then power the switch back on. ESC’s boot up and i go back to to check the waterlinked, it now says it cannot find the DVL in the local network. I go to QGC I can no longer use position hold mode. I check and the DVL is still working fine there.