Waiting for heartbeat from /dev/ttyAMA0 msg when connecting rsp and pixhawk

Try swapping the rx/tx lines, verify you are using the correct baudrate, and make sure the console is disabled on the AMA0 serial interface (via raspi-config). If these things are correct, it should work.

Dear DS Wang
I am struggling with the same problem as yours more than two months I am using RPi3 and Pixhawk could you tell me the way you did it yours , once I run the command of testing i got those number ,I am in china

Try to choose a different baudrate (38400, 57600, 115200), or confirm the baudrate of the serial port by looking at the SERIAL* parameters with qgroundcontrol

thanks for your quick response I was tried to change for different baundrate but I did not expected result only for 38400 i got the one you on the picture , could you tell me what i suppose to do ?

Please post about your single problem, in a single forum topic. It is confusing and difficult to help you otherwise.

Thanks , actually i didn’t recognized i posted in the same forum , my issues make me to ask anywhere I found a post which is similar as mine that’s why. sorry for that but till now I am still need your help to fix my problem

This is all the advice that I have. Try using it with your desktop and a terminal or QGC, you should be able to connect to QGC over the TELEM1 port.

Hello sir ,I was tried all your advice you gave me but no one worked for me but i still try to find out how I can handle it till now , I was reading somewhere the way the handle it as you will see in the below picture but I am understand clearly ,could you help me to understand it .

Hi all, I am using RPI 4 and APM 2.8. I am following the link Communicating with Raspberry Pi via MAVLink — Dev documentation to configure my RPI 4 with APM 2.8 via Mavlink. I have managed to get thru Mav> link 1 down. But however, new problem arises - I am unable to:
param show ARMING_CHECK
param set ARMING_CHECK 0
arm throttle

I have tried different baudrate but same results.

This is what I got:


Please help, i don’t understand why. Thank in advance!

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I have the same issue and it works after 5 hours of senseless troubleshooting.

If you have this connections
RPI4B >> PX4
TX >> RX
RX >> TX
Ground >> Ground

“This is very important if you give the power via RPI usb to PX4 USB”
This will create /dev/ttyACMX “X means 0,1. …”
so its better to connect via USB and also connect PX4 +5 TO RPI +5

So if you use RPI USB then it will not create MAVLINK on /dev/ttyAMA0. Use /dev/ttyACMX

Hope it helps.

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this what im getting right now switching the wirings and it works but in only stuck in stabalize mode.

but when i switch it the default wiring like tx to tx and rx to rx and im getting this

really it would work btw im using 4.0.7 firmware i think thats why it wont connect to my device im having a error.

Hello @JosephC This thread is quite old, and a lot of the discussion does not apply to the way we are doing things currently. If you need some help, please create a new topic and explain what you are trying to accomplish.