I just installed the Power Sense Module, which I know is working because since installing I’m now able to view battery percentage. However, I’m also hoping to view live current values, but QGroundControl is only displaying consumed mAh. Is there a way to see the current at a given moment, and not the cumulative amount? Thanks!
You can definitely show the information you’re after in real-time. At the bottom center of your QGround Control window, you should see an option to edit the values that are displayed when you move your mouse cursor over this area.
Click the pencil edit icon, this unlocks the dash for configuration. The other button moves the dash location between bottom center and right center positions.
You can either add/remove more rows/columns of values with the +/- button, or edit an existing metric by clicking it. If you select Battery0, you should see the options to display besides MahConsumed.
The latest recommended version of QGC is 4.2.8.
As a bonus - whatever you configure as visible in this dash is logged as a subtitle file (*.ass) alongside recorded video, under Documents / QGroundControl. It’s possible to play back the video with this overlaid in VLC media player, and even “burn” the subtitles in so they will show up no matter where you playback the video. I’d search around the forums here if that peaks your interest!
Hope that helps!
Hi @rl21,
Just to add to @tony-white’s comment, this comment is relevant if you want QGC’s main battery indicator to show the battery voltage (instead of the inconsistent capacity percentage estimate).